Showing Tag: "coffee packaging" (Show all posts)

The most consumed beverage in the word “coffee”

Posted by marionlara on Friday, May 18, 2012, In : business 

Packaging any material is the best job to do, as it allows all your innovative ideas to put in place. If your ideas work out come can be as good as possible if not then too you would learn something new. The favorite beverage of the world “coffee” also has a sector for it packaging in the manufacturing industries. Lots many people are working in that and the outcome is the sale of coffee bags. New and new varieties of coffee bags are now in market. Huge amount of industries are now indu...

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Want to go for shopping???

Posted by marionlara on Monday, April 16, 2012, In : business 

The craze for shopping has grown incredibly in recent years. With the on growing demand the need arose for the retailers to make a good quality packaging bags so that the product packed is safe and the bags should also be eco friendly. The debate came into picture just because the use of plastic bags is increasing drastically and they are not being disposed properly. According to the EPA, less than 2% end up being recycled which is a major concern for environmentalists.

Sometimes resealable ...

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Posted by marionlara on Wednesday, April 4, 2012, In : business 

Once there was a time when no one knew about coffee or tea.  It was grown on the plants but no one noticed.  But, then just an experiment made it a beverage.  That time, any person who opened or established the company for the manufacturing of the coffee or the packaging of coffee is a millionaire today.  With, the long span of time, the people has adapted coffee as the one of the very important part of their daily routine.  Almost all the people around the world have a coffee, and looking ...

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